Taleo TEE: Advanced Oracle Business Intelligence for Taleo Enterprise (OBI-RP102)


Základní info

This Taleo TEE: Advanced Oracle Business Intelligence for Taleo Enterprise (OBI-RP102) training. By interacting with expert Oracle University instructors, you'll develop a deeper understanding of this solution's reporting functionality to create more detailed agents, key performance indicators, scorecards, dashboards briefing books and more.This course is appropriate for Oracle Cloud deployments.Learn To:Create apply independent filters.Use the advanced tab to modify XML.Subscribe to agents.Examine advanced analysis views.Create gauges and funnels.Build dashboard prompts.Add content to briefing books.Create simple advanced trellis views.Benefits to YouBy examining the OBI solution in further detail, you'll walk away from this course with the ability to augment analysis construction and combine data sources, which produce more informative analyses. In addition, your exposure to advanced filtering techniques, additional views, condition-driven agents, supplemental dashboard tools, KPIs and scorecards will expedite your understanding of OBI and boost your analysis writing capacities. These newly-developed skills will help you develop even more expertise as an analysis author.Live Virtual Class FormatA Live Virtual Class (LVC) is exclusively for registered students; unregistered individuals may not view an LVC at any time. Registered students must view the class from the country listed in the registration form. Unauthorized recording, copying, or transmission of LVC content may not be made.

Taleo TEE: Advanced Oracle Business Intelligence for Taleo Enterprise (OBI-RP102)

Vybraný termín:


20 080 Kč + 21% DPH

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