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Professional Scrum Product Owner™

Základní info

Popis kurzu

Být profesionálním Product Owner zahrnuje více než jen psaní požadavků nebo správu Product Backlog. Product Owners musí mít konkrétní znalosti o všech aspektech správy produktů, včetně, ale nejen o vlastnictví produktu, které zvyšuje hodnotu jejich produktů.

Professional Scrum Product OwnerTM(PSPO) je dvoudenní kurz, který se zaměřuje na všechny tyto oblasti, aby studenty naučil, jak maximalizovat hodnotu produktů a systémů. PSPO je špičkový kurz pro Product Owners, Agile product managers a kohokoli, kdo je zodpovědný za úspěch produktu na trhu. V tomto kurzu budou studenti rozvíjet a upevňovat své znalosti o tom, že jsou Product Owner, prostřednictvím výuky a týmových cvičení. Rozsah agendy při poskytování úspěšného produktu bude z agilního pohledu jasnější. Metriky jsou určeny ke sledování tvorby hodnoty a úspěšného dodání produktu na trh.

Součástí kurzu je také bezplatný pokus o celosvětově uznávanou certifikační zkoušku Professional Scrum Product OwnerTM I (PSPO I).

Being a professional Product Owner encompasses more than writing requirements or managing a Product Backlog. Product Owners need to have a concrete understanding of all product management aspects, including but not limited to product ownership, that drives value from their products. 

Professional Scrum Product OwnerTM (PSPO) is a 2-day course that focuses on all of these areas to teach students how to maximize the value of products and systems. PSPO is the cutting-edge course for Product Owners, Agile product managers and anyone responsible for a product’s success in the market. In this course, students will develop and solidify their knowledge of being a Product Owner through instruction and team-based exercises. The breadth of the role’s responsibilities in delivering a successful product will become more clear from an Agile perspective. Metrics are identified to track the creation of value and the successful delivery of the product to the marketplace. 

The course also includes a free attempt at the globally recognized Professional Scrum Product OwnerTM I certification exam (PSPO I).

Obsah kurzu

Over the 2 days, students will develop and solidify their knowledge of being a Product Owner through instruction and team-based exercises. The breadth of the role’s responsibilities in delivering a successful product will become more clear from an Agile perspective. Metrics are identified to track the creation of value and the successful delivery of the product to the marketplace.

The PSPO course is much more than just a set of slides and an instructor. In this course, students work on real-life cases with other classmates together as a team. This course is made up of discussions and hands-on exercises.



All participants completing the PSPO course receive one password to take the PSPO I assessment. PSPO class participants who attempt the PSPO I assessment within 14 days of receiving their free password and do not score at least 85% will be granted a 2nd attempt at no additional cost.


Why course from

Professional Scrum Trainers are professionals licensed by, a training and certification organization founded by Ken Schwaber, co-author of Scrum. They are skilled in software development and/or product management. They are experts in Scrum and have extensive experience applying, leading, teaching, and coaching it. They have been servant-leaders at an organizational level. They are active in local agile and software development communities, as well as the broader global agile and Scrum movements.

Training materials are created and supervised by Ken Schwaber himself and maintained and constantly improved by the whole community of around 300 Professional Scrum Trainers across the world. Every trainer brings their own style and experience, but all trainers use the same materials to deliver consistent experience.


Our trainer

The course is taught by lecturer Magdalena Firlit, who was accredited by as a Professional Scrum Trainer. She also acts as a consultant for agile transformation, coach, mentor, life and business coach, university lecturer.

She has many years of professional experience in companies that have shown an agile way. Her specialization is agile transformation.

Studijní materiály

V angličtině

Professional Scrum Product Owner™

Vybraný termín:

16.12.2021  ONLINE


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