Oracle NoSQL Database for Developers Ed 2


Základní info

In this Oracle NoSQL Database for Developers Ed 2 course, you learn to create applications for the Oracle NoSQL Database. You use the Java APIs for the Oracle NoSQL database to perform insert, delete, and update operations on a KVStore. You create consistency and durability policies for the KVStore. You also handle exceptions that may raise while performing operations effectively.bLean To:/petrieve records from a KVStore.anipulate data in the KVStore.reate consistency and durability policies.andle exceptions. bBenefits To You/pou will benefit from learning the concepts required to create applications for the Oracle NoSQL Database. Use the versioning feature of the Oracle NoSQL Database and learn how to execute atomic operations. Review the consistency and durability policies and learn how to implement consistency and durability for the KVStore.

Oracle NoSQL Database for Developers Ed 2

Vybraný termín:


20 080 Kč + 21% DPH

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