Oracle Insurance Policy Administration Configuration v11


Základní info

The Oracle Insurance Policy Administration and Configuration course covers the basics of rule configuration using the revised navigation for version 11 of the Oracle Insurance Policy Administration and the Rules Palette. You will learn how to use the system, what the building blocks for configuration are and how to use predefined XML and Java elements to configure.his course covers the basic fundamentals of rule configuration using version 11 of the Oracle Insurance Policy Administration and the Rules Palette. You will learn how to use the system, what the building blocks of configuration are and how to use predefined XML elements for configuration. Anyone in a job role associated with implementing a Policy Administration System should attend this course.articipants will learn how to use the front-end of the system for policy administration. The class reviews the lifecycle of a policy to provide a foundation for configuration tasks. Then you learn how to configure business rules, system screens, fields, transactions, security and math elements. You will perform hands on configuration tasks for each topic, and at the end of class perform an individual configuration project.his course will also provide an overview of typical responsibilities and phases of an implementation project.earn to:liCreate and edit a Policyonfigure field validationonfigure simple transactionsonfigure fields on screens and in transactionsrite simple math using XML, Java Functions, and SQLavigate OIPA v11 and its Rules Palette./ulenefits To You:The Oracle Insurance Policy Administration and Configuration course provides an overview of what OIPA can do, how to use the rule palette, and the impact of configurations on the OIPA system (the practices here will focus on Level 1 configuration). In OIPA, students learn to configure all the screens and fields to suit their business needs.

Oracle Insurance Policy Administration Configuration v11

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48 188 Kč + 21% DPH

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