Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Treasury 12.0.3


Základní info

This Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Treasury 12.0.3 training is designed to help you gain detailed insight into Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking's Treasury modules, including foreign exchange and money market. Expert Oracle University instructors will take you through a step-by-step guide to delivering fast and efficient product setups, deal inputs and processing operations in a bank's treasury back office.bLearn To:/p egregate between day zero maintenances and other maintenances.nderstand the uniform functional architecture and design used across both foreign exchange and money market modules of Oracle FLEXCUBE.reate foreign exchange and money market products based on different offerings of the bank.nderstand the linkages of other functional modules with foreign exchange and money market.reate a product.estrict the number of products to a optimal level.reate foreign exchange and money market transactions, along with various other operations, including manual liquidation and value dated amendments from a bank user’s point of view.bBenefits to You/p y taking this course, you'll get a chance to participate in extensive hands-on exercises. These lab sessions provide a platform to implement different requirements and services a bank may have in a simulated environment. Labs will reinforce the concepts and functions you learn about during the interactive instruction portion of the course.bPlease Note/pinimal steps are required to complete the foreign exchange and money market transactions, as all common attributes are already defined as part of the product setup.

Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Treasury 12.0.3

Vybraný termín:


33 524 Kč + 21% DPH

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