Oracle Financials Cloud: Receivables to Collections Implementation


Základní info

This Oracle Financials Cloud: Receivables to Collections Implementation training teaches you the steps needed to implement Oracle Fusion Receivables to Collections. Expert Oracle University instructors will teach you how to follow the Financials offering task list in Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager.You will also test your setups.Learn To:Identify the key concepts of Oracle Financials Rapid Implementation that determine a successful implementation.Use Oracle Functional Setup Manager (FSM) to implement Oracle Receivables to Collections.Understand integration points, implementation considerations.Set up Tax, Subledger Accounting, Receivables, Cash Management, Advanced Collections, and related products to support the financial flows.Test your setups by creating an invoice, receiving a payment, and reconciling the payment with a bank statement.Benefits to YouEnsure a smooth, rapid and successful implementation of Oracle Fusion Receivables to Cash. Taking this course will help you better understand the configuration options so you can make improved decisions during your implementation. You'll walk away with the skills to optimize the set up so that you can effectively manage your financial processes.Investing in this course also gives you access to hands-on practices where you can apply your new knowledge to solving issues you encounter on the job.Working with Oracle University instructors, you'll learn from experts who have a deep understanding of how this technology works. Please NoteThis course is relevant for any customers using Fusion Applications through Release 11.1.11. It's beneficial for both Oracle Cloud and on-premises deployments.This course includes a preview of Release 12 new features

Oracle Financials Cloud: Receivables to Collections Implementation

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60 235 Kč + 21% DPH

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