Oracle Financials Cloud: New Features for Release 13


Základní info

This Oracle Financials Cloud: New Features Seminar explores new features available for Oracle Financials Cloud for Release 13. Expert Oracle Instructors will take you through the Financial modules to explain the key new features. As this is a seminar Oracle University does not include hands-on activities for students. Learn To: Understand the changes to the Common Technologies and User Experience. Understand the enhancements to Budgetary Control. Utilize Bill Management. Work with Credit Management. Utilize Deferred Expenses. Understand Asset Leases.Utilize the Clearing Accounts Reconciliation. Understand the enhanced support for Tax Partner integration. Benefits to You:When you walk away from this course, you will have developed an understanding of the key new features for the financial modules. You'll be able to leverage this solution to help your business.

Oracle Financials Cloud: New Features for Release 13

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12 047 Kč + 21% DPH

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