Oracle Financials Cloud: New Features for Rel 11


Základní info

This Oracle Financials Cloud: New Features for Rel 11 Seminar explores new features available for Oracle Financials Cloud in Release 11. Expert Oracle Instructors will take you through the Financial modules using a mix of interactive instruction and hands-on system demonstrations.Learn To: Navigate the enhanced user interface. Use Enterprise Structures and General Ledger – including General Ledger Infolets. Utilize the Financial Reporting Center. Understand budgetary control. Utilize receivables, which includes the new billing and receivables work areas and infotiles. Work with advanced collections metrics. Utilize payables, including the new invoices work area. Use the cash management feature and infotiles. Leverage the assets feature, which includes asset physical inventory. Benefit from the expenses work area and infotiles. Utilize subledger accounting and custom formulas. Understand how the tax feature works, including tax on sales orders. Benefits to You:When you walk away from this course, you will have developed an understanding of the key new features for the financial modules and the enhanced user experience for Release 11. You'll be able to leverage this solution to help your business.

Oracle Financials Cloud: New Features for Rel 11

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12 047 Kč + 21% DPH

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