Oracle Financials Cloud: General Ledger Core Team Training


Základní info

The Oracle Financials Cloud: General Ledger Core Team training serves as a foundation course for a General Ledger implementation launch. Oracle recommends this course be delivered on or near the kick-off phase of the implementation.When project teams, which may include project managers, consultants, business analysts, IT analysts, system administrators, coordinators and others involved in the project, complete this course, they’ve acquired a deeper understanding of configuration and implementation aspects of the General Ledger solution to ensure a successful deployment that ultimately strengthens their business.This course is considered a kickoff activity where project teams enhance their understanding of the implementation life cycle; specifically, what is required for the initial implementation such as planning and recommended team training.Note: Because this is a seminar, there are no hands-on activities.

Oracle Financials Cloud: General Ledger Core Team Training

Vybraný termín:


12 047 Kč + 21% DPH

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