Oracle Commerce: Platform Fundamentals for Developers Rel 11.1


Základní info

This Oracle Commerce: Platform Fundamentals for Developers Rel 11.1 training teaches web application developers the baseline knowledge and skills to begin implementing solutions built on the Oracle Commerce Platform. It introduces the core technologies, capabilities and services that support configuration.his course is appropriate for on-premises deployments only.bLearn To:/pse dynamic page development.ccess persistent data.erform user data entry.ork with web services for Oracle Commerce applications. bBenefits to You/phile the emphasis is on foundational skill building, examples and use cases illustrate how the baseline technologies are used to implement essential commerce application constructs. These include the user profile and the product catalog.

Oracle Commerce: Platform Fundamentals for Developers Rel 11.1

Vybraný termín:


60 235 Kč + 21% DPH

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