OpenIDM Administration FR-211


Základní info

This course will provide the students with the required knowledge to administer a deployment of OpenIDM. The main goal of the course is to give delegates the skills to administer the core functionality of OpenIDM. The course is kept short and goal-oriented, focusing in the functions that are important during a practical deployment.

The course is aimed at IT system administrators, architects and consultants who will be responsible for OpenIDM maintenance and administration.

OpenIDM Administration FR-211

Vybraný termín:



Kontakt na dodavatele získáte po registraci

Tento kurz je pořádán dodavatelem, který nevyužívá placenou prezentaci na portálu EduCity.

Kontaktní údaje na dodavatele získáte po registraci.

Nebo použijte poptávkový formulář.