MySQL for Developers


Základní info

This MySQL for Developers training teaches developers how to develop console and web applications using MySQL with their choice of the PHP, Java, or Python programming languages. Expert Oracle University instructors will guide you through realistic hands-on activities to teach you how to use Connectors to access MySQL databases, query the database effectively, present data in different formats, and use MySQL support for “NoSQL”. In this course, you will be introduced to the MySQL Cloud Service.bLearn To:/program with Connectors.rite console and web applications.ptimize query performance.rite stored routines and the InnoDB memcached plugin for NoSQL access to your data.tore, access, and analyze geospatial data.ain an understanding of the MySQL Cloud Service.b Benefits to You/phis course will teach you how to write applications that maximize your investment in MySQL. You will learn best practice techniques for writing programs that store and retrieve MySQL data and present it to users in a way that allows them to gain insight into that data.

MySQL for Developers

Vybraný termín:


34 700 Kč + 21% DPH

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