JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requisition Self Service 9.0


Základní info

In this course, students will learn about the Requisition Self Service (RSS) business process, how other EnterpriseOne systems integrate with RSS, and about the benefits the RSS system can have for an organization.tudents will learn how to set up the RSS system, how to enter requisitions, and how to review, approve, modify and reject requisitions. Additionally, students will learn how to complete the procurement business process by creating purchase orders and receiving requisitions. Finally, users will be introduced to the Direct Connect feature, which enables users to connect directly to supplier websites to purchase goods and services.earn To: et up the Requisition Self Service systemescribe the Direct Connect featureet up requisition approval workflownter requisitions using multiple methodseview, approve, and reject requisitionsreate purchase orders and receive requisitions

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Requisition Self Service 9.0

Vybraný termín:


5 569 Kč + 21% DPH

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