Java Design Patterns


Základní info

This Java Patterns course reviews common and emerging patterns specific to Java SDK and EE development. You'll learn the depth and evolution of pattern-based techniques in Java, with particular emphasis on Java EE 6 conventions.bLearn To:/pinstinguish between Java EE 5 and Java EE 6 pattern-based features.mplement relevant patterns in each tier of the Java EE environment.e-factor code to improve inter-tier communications.elate pattern-based development to an implementation architecture.pply object-oriented pronciples and design guidelines.mplement well-known patterns to Java-specific code problems.bLab Exercises/phe lab exercises show you how to identify, apply and re-factor selected patterns into code, using a NetBeans or Eclipse IDE and the GlassFish Application Server v3. You'll also learn a subset of UML notation to expedite communicating through design instead of code.bJava Design Patterns/pn design patterns, the responsibility of each component is identified by role. The conventions of design pattern documentation make it easier for development teams to communicate their programming intentions and provide a reference point for the entire Java development community.bJava-Based Frameworks/phe Java language and popular Java-based frameworks incorporate more proven development practices into their programming interfaces with each major release. These practices, referred to as design patterns, document well-known names, code implementation and re-factoring techniques, and the risks and trade-offs associated with using them.

Java Design Patterns

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48 188 Kč + 21% DPH

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