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ITIL® 3 Release, Control and Validation + exam and retake

Základní info

Popis kurzu

ITIL® Intermediate Release, Control and Validation (RCV) je jedním z modulů služeb ITIL® Service Capability. Zaměřuje se na praktické uplatňování postupů RCV, které umožňují úspěšné plánování, testování a implementaci nových služeb, které odpovídají potřebám uživatele nebo organizace.

RCV bylo navrženo tak, aby bylo možno důkladně porozumět procesům ITIL Service Transition a zajistit efektivní správu přechodových změn, validace a testování nových služeb a splnění organizačních požadavků. Modul také poskytuje pokyny pro hodnocení změn a řízení znalostí pro zlepšení rozhodovacích procesů.

Toto školení se podrobně zabývá procesy a nástroji podpory přechodu služeb a jejich součástí. Jedná se o procesy Change Management, Release and Deployment Management, Service Validation and Testing, Service Asset and Configuration Management, Request Fulfillment, Service Evaluation and Knowledge Management. Podrobně jsou probírány aspekty implementace a technologií.

Certifikaci RCV lze provést pouze po akreditovaném školení.

Uvedená cena obsahuje poplatek za certifikační zkoušku.
Při úspěšném absolvování tohoto školení má účastník nárok na zisk 36 bodů PDU pro ziskání či udržení certifikace podle PMI® stupně PMP®.

Cílová skupina

Kvalifikace RCV by byla vhodná pro IT profesionály v rolích, jako je Release Manager, Security Administrator, IT Operations Manager, Database Administrator a Security Manager.

IT profesionálové, kteří vyžadují hluboké pochopení procesů uvolňování, řízení a ověřování a jak mohou být použity ke zvýšení kvality podpory IT služeb v organizaci.

Provozní pracovníci podílející se na činnostech následujících procesů a / nebo funkcí: řízení změn, správa uvolnění a nasazení, ověřování a testování služeb, správa aktiv a konfigurace služeb, plnění požadavků, hodnocení služeb a správa znalostí.

PRINCE2® a ITIL® jsou registrované ochranné známky společnosti AXELOS Limited, používané na základě povolení společnosti AXELOS Limited. Všechna práva vyhrazena.

ITIL® Intermediate Release, Control and Validation (RCV) is one of the ITIL® Service Capability modules. It focuses on the practical application of RCV practices to enable the successful planning, testing and implementation of new services that meet the needs of the user or the organisation.

RCV has been designed in order to provide thorough understanding of the ITIL Service Transition processes and ensure that transitional changes are effectively managed, new services are validated and tested and that release and deployment fulfil organisational requirements. The module also provides guidance on evaluating change and managing knowledge to improve decision-making processes.

This course provides in-depth coverage of the processes and tools that support the transition of services and service components. In scope processes are Change Management, Release and Deployment Management, Service Validation and Testing, Service Asset and Configuration Management, Request Fulfillment, Service Evaluation and Knowledge Management. Implementation and technology considerations are discussed in depth.

The RCV certification can only be taken following an accredited training course.

Price of exam is included in the price of the course.
On successful completion of this course, the student can claim 36 education units or PDUs that can be used to attain or maintain the PMI® PMP® credential.

Target group

The RCV qualification would be suitable for IT professionals in roles such as Release Manager, Security Administrator, IT Operations Manager, Database Administrator and Security Manager.

IT professionals who require a deep understanding of Release, Control and Validation processes and how they may be used to enhance the quality of IT service support within an organization.

Operational staff involved in the activities of the following processes and/or functions: Change Management, Release and Deployment Management, Service Validation and Testing, Service Asset and Configuration Management, Request Fulfilment, Service Evaluation and Knowledge Management

PRINCE2® and ITIL® are registered trade marks of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.

Určeno pro

The RCV qualification would be suitable for IT professionals in roles such as Release Manager, Security Administrator, IT Operations Manager, Database Administrator and Security Manager.

IT professionals who require a deep understanding of Release, Control and Validation processes and how they may be used to enhance the quality of IT service support within an organization.

Operational staff involved in the activities of the following processes and/or functions: Change Management, Release and Deployment Management, Service Validation and Testing, Service Asset and Configuration Management, Request Fulfilment, Service Evaluation and Knowledge Management

Obsah kurzu

Upon successful completion of this course participants will understand:

  • The importance of the concept of Service Management as a Practice.

  • The activities, methods and functions used in each of the ITIL Release, Control and Validation processes as well as the process roles and responsibilities.

  • How to use Knowledge Management to enhance ongoing decision support and service delivery capability.

  • The importance of the Release, Control and Validation capabilities in realizing successful service transition.

  • How the ITIL Release, Control and Validation processes interacts with other Lifecycle processes.

  • Continual Service Improvement as a consequence of the ITIL Release, Control and Validation processes and functions.

  • The technology and implementation considerations, as well as the challenges, critical success factors and risks surrounding ITIL Release, Control and Validation.
    Participants will also gain the knowledge necessary to prepare for the “ITIL Certificate in Release, Control and Validation” examination from PeopleCert. This certificate is worth 4 credits in the ITIL Version 3 Qualification Scheme.

  • Formal examination: this is a closed book complex graded multiple-choice examination with 8 questions to be answered in 90 minutes. Students must get 70% correct in order to pass.

Follow-up training

Itil scheme

Available certifications

When you complete this training, you can register for the following certification/s.

See more info ITIL® 3 Intermediate Certificate + Retake

The following certifications are not included in the price of training session.


Demonstrate between 2 and 4 years of professional experience in the ITSM market place.
Hold one or more of the following certificates:

  • ITIL® V3 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management

  • ITIL® V2 - V3 Foundation Bridge Certificate

It is assumed that participants will have read the following ITIL Service Management Practices core lifecycle publications:

  • Service Strategy

  • Service Design

  • Service Transition

  • Service Operations

  • Continual Service Improvement

  • Examination candidates should be aware that at least 12 hours of personal study are required.

Studijní materiály

V angličtině


Itil scheme

ITIL® 3 Release, Control and Validation + exam and retake

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