Introduction to Cooling Airflow Systems Web Seminar RePlay

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Vehicle functional requirements, diesel emission regulations, and subsystem thermal limits all have a direct impact on the design of a powertrain cooling airflow system. Severe duty cycles, minimal ram air, fouling, and sometimes unconventional package layouts present unique challenges to the designer. This course introduces many airflow integration issues and vehicle-level trade-offs that effect system performance and drive the design.

The goal of this course is to introduce engineers and managers to the basic principles of diesel cooling airflow systems for commercial and off-road vehicles. Participants will learn about vehicle/product constraints, integration issues, cooling airflow, system resistance, fans, shrouds, radiators, coolers, estimating heat rejection, thermal recirculation, and overall system performance. Basic concepts will be reinforced with examples and a cooling performance calculation of a diesel cooling system.


By participating in this course, you\’ll be able to:

  • Define vehicle requirements and many cooling airflow system integration issues
  • Describe heat exchanger sizing considerations, design alternatives, and thermal effectiveness
  • List fan/shroud aerodynamic design parameters, guidelines, and installation effects
  • Apply the fan laws to evaluate alternative designs
  • Calculate fan operating point and airflow using component pressure-loss coefficients
  • Estimate engine heat rejection to coolant, including Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR)
  • Calculate steady-state thermal performance of a diesel cooling airflow system

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Introduction to Cooling Airflow Systems Web Seminar RePlay

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13 500 Kč + 21% DPH

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