Informix Dynamic Server 11.5 Backup and Restore


Základní info

In this course, you will learn about the various Informix tools that can be used to extract the contents of database objects for safekeeping or for migration, and restoring the objects at a later time. You will learn to use the ontape and ON-Bar utilities to perform backup and restore operations on dbspaces and logical logs in the database server. As a part of learning about the ON-Bar utility, you will learn how to manage backup media using Informix Storage Manager.

The course is updated for version 11.50 of Informix, but is suitable for those still running previous versions of IDS. This course is the classroom-delivered version of Instructor Led OnLine course Informix Backup and Restore - Instructor Led Online (3X440).

Informix Dynamic Server 11.5 Backup and Restore

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 Praha Upřesnující informace k termínu

35 400 Kč + 21% DPH

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