MBA in Management

příprava na certifikační zkoušku

Základní info

MBA in Management

This 18-month life long education program of weekend study (2 weekends per month) leads to a Master's of Business Administration (MBA) from the Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch. You will take a core set of 9 courses providing you with a solid foundation in international business and then you may pick 4 additional courses from any of the 4 concentration areas. You must choose from a minimum of at least two of the following concentration areas:

  • Banking
  • Marketing
  • Human Resource Management
  • Management of Information Systems

Prior to the start of the MBA program, UNYP provides, free of charge, a pre-MBA workshop in the principles of finance, accounting, marketing and management to ensure that you begin your studies well-prepared and on an equitable level with your fellow classmates.

Our next MBA cohort begins in October 2011.

MBA core courses:

  • Organizational Behavior and Leadership
  • International Marketing Management
  • Financial Accounting
  • Managerial Accounting
  • Operations Management
  • Legal and Ethical Decisions
  • Information Systems for Managers
  • Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
  • Financial Management
  • Final Consultancy Project

The Management Concentration route is the traditional course for those seeking a broad knowledge base in their studies. It is ideal for grooming students for a General Management role in any sized company. It is also ideal for students looking to establish their own companies or business operations. The specialist subjects build on the core subjects to provide comprehensive business knowledge.

UNYP is a member of AACSB International and the Czech Association of MBA Schools (CAMBAS).




All students


Program tuition

325,000 CZK




All students


Application fee

(one-time fee)

2,000 CZK






MBA in Management

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