Virtual Communication Skills in English


Základní info

Effective Communication in Virtual Teams. Working and Cooperating in Virtual Teams. Facilitating Interactive Virtual Meetings.

  • Techniques for better communication in virtual teams.
  • The best ways to build relationships virtually.
  • Identifying what motivates employees to cooperate and take action in a virtual world?
  • What do employees like and not like in terms of virtual communication?
  • What sources of communication work best in different situations (emails, phone calls, chat, video conferences, etc)?
  • What are the challenges and solutions for working in virtual teams?
  • How to compensate for a lack of face-to-face interaction in virtual teams.
  • The best ways to influence and persuade others virtually?
  • What are the best ways to give positive and negative feedback in a virtual setting?
  • Learn techniques of how to engage and get productive responses from virtual teammates.
  • Facilitating different types of meetings with different purposes and outcomes. What is the goal or the meeting?
  • The value of sending the agenda and pre-work to get others involved in the meeting success.
  • How to wake up the unresponsive audience with attention getters?
  • The voice is the most important tool in a virtual meeting.
  • How to use your voice to keep the attention of your virtual team members.  
  • The best ways to get commitment to action from your team members.
  • Practice meetings and receive feedback from the trainer.


Virtual Communication Skills in English

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14 000 Kč + 21% DPH

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