DAMA DMBok Data Governance Specialist

Základní info

This 1-day DAMA DMBOK Data Management Specialist course addresses all required disciplines required for the Data Governance (DG) specialist exam by the international standard, DAMA Body of Knowledge (DMBOK2) and is aimed at individuals interested in developing concrete professionalism in the field of Data Management with a specialization in Data Governance.

This course provides a solid foundation of the different information disciplines across the complete Data Governance spectrum.

The DG specialist course explores the foundational principles and best practices for establishing and managing effective data governance frameworks within organizations. This includes understanding the roles, responsibilities, and processes involved in governing data assets throughout their lifecycle. You’ll delve into strategies for defining data policies, standards, and procedures to ensure data quality, integrity, and security. Additionally, the course covers the importance of data stewardship, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

DAMA DMBok Data Governance Specialist

Vybraný termín:


21 250 Kč + 21% DPH

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