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ACCA SBL Strategic Business Leader intensive course (květen 2024, Zoom online)

Základní info

Course Prices

For information about prices, please send us a preliminary enquiry: or follow: ACCA courses by ineo


Intensive courses

Both introduce (teach) the content and use exam standard questions to develop your exam skills as you go along.

Revision courses

Assume that students have acquired the knowledge, either from our materials or from online study.  Here tutors focus on practising exam standard questions so as to highlight:

  • the most difficult technical issues
  • how to apply theory to exam scenarios
  • how to score the easy marks
  • how to present your work efficiently
  • time management
  • writing style

All students attending a face to face Revision class have the opportunity to submit a mock exam to be marked by their tutor who will give personalised feedback on presentation, exam technique and technical errors.

Support from your local tutor

Students who attend our courses can access tutors at any time, even at weekends, to ask technical questions or seek help.  Our tutors respond to all student enquiries and are happy to meet with students after classes for individual help when required.

ACCA SBL Strategic Business Leader intensive course (květen 2024, Zoom online)

Vybraný termín:

13.5.2024 –  17.5.2024  ONLINE
09:00 – 16:30 hod.


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