Negotiations are the core of all business activities and is central to company success. This course is designed for professional people who need to negotiate effectively in English. Effective Negotiations deals progressively with the key elements of negotiating from preparation and organization through to bargaining and decision-making. It focuses on useful language for performing these skills and offers practice tasks and role-plays that will draw from the participants own knowledge and experience. The course combines both video and audio learning and extensive group participation and activites.
This training aims to introduce and practice the language and skills of effective negotiating in a business atmosphere. The training is outlined below.
1. Introduction
The purpose of this section is to welcome participants, ascertain their expectations, and to inform them of the training schedule.
2. Negotiation Introduction
In this section, participants are introduced to the definition of negotiation and asked to consider what an effective negotiation is and what an effective negotiator does.
3. The Negotiation Process
At the conclusion of this section, participants will know what the negotiation process is and will be able to distiguish between the different stages.
4. Stage One--Preparation: What Do You Want?
Participants will know how to prepare for a negotiation effectively and will know new English expressions concerning negotiating at the end of this section.
5. Stage Two--Presentation: What Do They Want?
Participants will make opening statements, practice negotiating, and learn new expressions in this section. Participants will also be shown how to discover the other party's interests through encouragement and probing questions.
6. Stage Three--Proposing: What Could You Trade?
An emphasis is made on the use of conditionals in this section where participants are presented the language of making proposals. Participants will also have another opportunity to practice negotiation situations through role plays.
7. Stage Four--Bargaining: What Will You Trade?
In this section, participants continue to practice the language and skills of proposal making but with an emphasis on distinguishing proposing from bargaining--which seeks agreement.
8. Stage Five--Closing: Agreement!
Participants are introduced to the language of effective closing in this section and are given an opportunity to pratice through role plays.
9. Negotiation Practice
The purpose of this section is to give participants an opportunity to consolidate and to put into practice the language and knowledge of effective negotiating within the framework of a complete negotiation from the preparation to conclusion.
10. Conclusion
This section will conclude the training with feedback from the participants and encouragement to put into practice the new knowledge by the trainer.