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ITIL® 3 Managing Across The Lifecycle + exam

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Popis kurzu

Managing Across the Lifecycle je posledním ze školicích modulů Service Lifecycle/Service. Vede k získání odborného certifikátu ITIL Expert in IT Service Management. Účelem tohoto školicího modulu a s ním spojené zkoušky je předat, přezkoušet a potvrdit znalosti celého obsahu publikací popisujících ITIL® 3, a to se zaměřením na cíle, účel, procesy, funkce a činnosti v oblasti obchodní, řídící a kontrolní a na rozhraní a interakce mezi procesy, jimiž se zabývá pět základních publikací věnovaných verzi 3. Cílem je pomoci odborníkům aplikovat a integrovat své znalosti ITIL v reálném prostředí a na svém vlastním pracovišti.

Zatímco kandidáti mohou získat 17 kreditů prostřednictvím různých vzdělávacích cest využívajících jakoukoli kombinaci Foundation a Intermediate kurzů, bylo zjištěno, že kandidáti, kteří chtějí pokračovat v modulu Managing Across the Lifecycle (MALC), těží z využívání modulů Continual Service Improvement a Service Strategy z certifikační schémy ITIL Intermediate jako součásti své vzdělávací cesty.

Jakmile úspěšně dokončíte certifikaci MALC, společnost PeopleCert Vám vydá certifikát ITIL Expert.

ITIL Expert vyžaduje získání 22 kreditů prostřednictvím prvních dvou úrovní programu, včetně MALC. Úroveň ITIL Expert je zaměřena na ty jednotlivce, kteří mají zájem demonstrovat vyšší úroveň znalostí ITIL prostřednictvím jejich certifikace ITIL.

Kandidáti, kteří dosáhnou úrovně ITIL Expert, budou rovněž splňovat předpoklady pro vstupní úroveň ITIL Master Level, což je nejvyšší úroveň certifikace v rámci schématu ITIL.

Uvedená cena obsahuje poplatek za certifikační zkoušku.

PRINCE2® and ITIL® are registered trade marks of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.

ITIL Managing Across the Lifecycle (MALC) sits between the Intermediate and Expert certifications and is the final required certification in order to gain the ITIL Expert status. It is intended to help professionals apply and integrate their knowledge of ITIL in real-world settings and in their own workplace.

While candidates can earn 17 credits through various learning paths leveraging any combination of the Foundation and Intermediate courses, it has been observed that candidates wishing to pursue the Managing Across the Lifecycle (MALC) module benefit from taking the Continual Service Improvement and Service Strategy modules from the ITIL Intermediate certification scheme as part of their learning path.

Once you successfully complete your MALC certification, PeopleCert will also issue your ITIL Expert certificate.

ITIL Expert is achieved by accumulating 22 credits through the first two levels of the Scheme, including MALC. The ITIL Expert level is aimed at those individuals who are interested in demonstrating a superior level of knowledge of ITIL through their ITIL Certification.

Candidates who achieve ITIL Expert level will also satisfy the pre-requisite entry criteria for the ITIL Master Level, the highest level of certification within the ITIL scheme.

Managing Across the Lifecycle is the final module of the Service Lifecycle and/or Service Capability modules that leads to the ITIL Expert in IT Service Management Certificate. The purpose of this training module and the associated exam and certificate is, to impart, test, and validate the knowledge across the contents of the ITIL V3 publications; focusing on business, management and supervisory objectives, purpose, processes, functions and activities, and on the interfaces and interactions between the processes addressed in the five core V3 Publications.

Price of exam is included in the price of the course.

PRINCE2® and ITIL® are registered trade marks of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.

Obsah kurzu

Candidates can expect to gain competencies in the following upon successful completion of the education and examination components related to this certification:

  • Understanding IT Service Management Business and Managerial Issues

  • Managing the Planning and Implementation of IT Service Management

  • Management of Strategic Change

  • Risk Management as a practice

  • Understanding Organizational Challenges

  • Service Assessment methods and purpose

  • Understand and be able to use Complementary Industry Guidance

  • Formal examination: this is a closed book scenario based multiple-choice examination with 8 questions to be answered in 90 minutes. Each question will have 4 possible answers worth from 0 to 5 points. Students must get 28 points out of a possible 40 or 70% correct in order to pass.

Available certifications

When you complete this training, you can register for the following certification/s.

See more info ITIL® 3 Intermediate Certificate

The following certifications are included in the price of training session.


  • Hold one or more of the following certificates: ITIL® 3 Foundation in ITSM or ITIL® 2 Foundation plus ITIL® 3 Foundation Bridge Certificate

  • Demonstrate 2 to 4 years of professional experience in the ITSM market place

Have obtained a further 15 credits (a total of at least 17 credits) as a minimum from a balanced selection of ITIL Service Lifecycle or Service Capability qualifications. Documentary evidence of this must be presented to gain admission to this certification level. Examination candidates should be aware that at least 28 hours of personal study are required. It is expected that participants will have read the following ITIL Service Management Practices core lifecycle publications:

  • Service Strategy

  • Service Design

  • Service Transition

  • Service Operation

  • Continual Service Improvement

Studijní materiály

V angličtině

ITIL® 3 Managing Across The Lifecycle + exam

Vybraný termín:

16.12.2019  Praha


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