CompTIA PenTest+

PenTest+ is unique because certification requires a candidate to demonstrate the hands-on ability and knowledge to test devices in new environments such as the cloud and mobile, in addition to traditional desktops and servers.

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Target Audience

  • Penetration Tester  
  • Vulnerability Tester   
  • Security Analyst (II)  
  • Vulnerability Assessment Analyst  
  • Network Security Operations  
  • Application Security Vulnerability
Target Audience

Course Objectives

  • Explain the importance of planning and key aspects of compliance-based assessments
  • Gather information to prepare for exploitation then perform a vulnerability scan and analyze results.
  • Exploit network, wireless, application, and RF-based vulnerabilities, summarize physical security attacks, and perform post-exploitation techniques
  • Conduct information gathering exercises with various tools and analyze output and basic scripts (limited to: Bash, Python, Ruby, PowerShell)
  • Utilize report writing and handling best practices explaining recommended mitigation strategies for discovered vulnerabilities

CompTIA PenTest+

CompTIA PenTest+ is for cybersecurity professionals tasked with penetration testing and vulnerability management.

Why is it different?

CompTIA PenTest+ is the only penetration testing exam taken at a Pearson VUE testing center with both hands-on, performance-based questions and multiple-choice, to ensure each candidate possesses the skills, knowledge, and ability to perform tasks on systems. PenTest+ exam also includes management skills used to plan, scope, and manage weaknesses, not just exploit them.

PenTest+ is unique because our certification requires a candidate to demonstrate the hands-on ability and knowledge to test devices in new environments such as the cloud and mobile, in addition to traditional desktops and servers.

CompTIA PenTest+


CompTIA PenTest+ Certificaiton | CompTIA Accredited


  • Number of questions:  Maximum of 85 questions
  • Type of Questions: Performance-based and multiple choice
  • Duration: 165 Minutes
  • Passing Score: 750 (on a scale of 100-900) 
  • Recommended Experience: Network+, Security+ or equivalent knowledge. Minimum of 3-4 years of hands-on information security or related experience. While there is no required prerequisite, PenTest+ is intended to follow CompTIA Security+ or equivalent experience and has a technical, hands-on focus.
  • Languages: English, Japanese
  • Validity: 3 years after launch of certification

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