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ITIL® 3 Continual Service Improvement + exam and retake

Základní info

Popis kurzu

Continual Service Improvement (CSI) je jedním z pěti modulů ITIL® Service Lifecycle.

Zaměřuje se na to, jak mohou organizace a jednotlivci strategicky přezkoumat produkty a služby, které vytvořili v návaznosti na strategii, návrh, přechod a provozní fáze životního cyklu IT služeb, a nabízí návod jak může být tento proces organizován a proveden. Tento modul se soustřeďuje na zásady a techniky z fáze Continual Service Improvement v životním cyklu ITIL bez podrobností o konkrétních procesech.

CSI rovněž obsahuje průvodce nástrojů a technologií, které lze použít k podpoře souvisejících činností a k vyhodnocení rizik a kritických faktorů úspěchu.

CSI nabízí osvědčené postupy, které pomáhají podnikům a projektům nadále splňovat a přizpůsobovat se měnícím se potřebám koncových uživatelů a současně zvyšovat efektivitu a návratnost investic pro organizace.

Osvědčené postupy Service Operation umožňují organizacím a týmům IT účinně udržovat produkty a služby, které vyvíjejí, a zajistit tak, aby jejich uživatelé měli k dispozici účinné zdroje.

Toto školení vede nejenom k získání samostatné kvalifikace pro oblast Continual Service Improvement (průběžné zlepšování služby), avšak je zároveň jedním z modulů životního cyklu vedoucích k získání kvalifikace odborné úrovně ITIL Expert. Školení se zabývá všemi aspekty oblasti Continual Service Improvement a vychází z manuálu ITIL V3.

Certifikaci CSI lze provést pouze po akreditovaném školení.

Uvedená cena neobsahuje poplatek za certifikační zkoušku.

PRINCE2® and ITIL® are registered trade marks of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.

Continual Service Improvement (CSI) is one of five ITIL® Service Lifecycle modules.

It focuses on how organisations and individuals can strategically review the products and services they have produced following the strategy, design, transition and operation stages of the IT Service Lifecycle and offers guidance on how this process should be organized and executed. This module concentrates on the principles and techniques from the Continual Service Improvement stage of the ITIL Lifecycle, without going into detail about specific processes.

CSI also includes guidance on the tools and technology that can be used to support related activities and how to evaluate risks and critical success factors.

CSI offers best practice that helps businesses and projects continue to meet and adapt to the changing needs of end users, whilst at the same time improving efficiencies and returns on investment for organisations.

Service Operation best practice enables organisations and IT teams to effectively sustain and maintain the products and services they develop, ensuring that their users are provided with efficient resources.

The CSI certification can only be taken following an accredited training course.

Price of exam is not included in the price of the course.

PRINCE2® and ITIL® are registered trade marks of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.

Obsah kurzu

Following the completion of this course, the candidate will know:

  • The importance of Service Management as a Practice concept and Continual Service Improvement Principals, Purpose and Objective

  • How all processes in ITIL Continual Service Improvement interact with other Service Lifecycle Processes

  • The sub-processes, activities, methods and functions used in each of the ITIL Continual Service Improvement processes

  • The roles and responsibilities within ITIL Continual Service Improvement and the activities and functions to achieve Service Improvement excellence

  • Technology and implementation considerations surrounding ITIL Continual Service Improvement

  • Challenges, Critical Success Factors and Risks associated to ITIL Continual Service Improvement

  • Participants will also gain the knowledge necessary to prepare for the “ITIL Certificate in Continual Service Improvement” examination from PeopleCert. This certificate is worth 3 credits in the ITIL Version 3 Qualification Scheme.
    Formal examination: this is a closed book complex graded multiple-choice examination with 8 questions to be answered in 90 minutes. Students must get 70% correct in order to pass. Exam can be taken with PeopleCert

Available certifications

When you complete this training, you can register for the following certification/s.

See more info ITIL® 3 Intermediate Certificate + Retake

The following certifications are included in the price of training session.


  • Hold one or more of the following certificates: ITIL® V3 Foundation in ITSM or ITIL® V2 Foundation plus V3 Foundation Bridge Certificate

  • Demonstrate 2 to 4 years of professional experience in the ITSM market place

It is assumed that participants will have read the following ITIL Service Management Practices core lifecycle publications:

  • Service Strategy

  • Service Design

  • Service Transition

  • Service Operations

  • Continual Service Improvement

  • Examination candidates should be aware that at least 21 hours or personal study are required.

Studijní materiály

V angličtině

ITIL® 3 Continual Service Improvement + exam and retake

Vybraný termín:

2.3.2020  Bratislavský kraj


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