IBM WebSphere Lombardi Edition V7.1 Process Modeling and Implementation (ILO)


Základní info

This 5-day instructor-led course teaches core process modeling skills, project development methodology, delivery best practice patterns, and implementation practices that improve the speed and quality of process definition and implementation efforts.

In this course, you will use IBM WebSphere Lombardi Edition to create a business process definition (BPD) from business requirements that are identified during process analysis. The course begins with an overview of BPM and process modeling. You will learn how to make team collaboration more efficient by enabling all team members to use standard process model elements and notation, which makes expressing and interpreting business requirements consistent throughout the BPM life cycle. The course also teaches you how to build an agile and flexible shared process model that can be understood by key business stakeholders, implemented by developers, and adjusted to accommodate process changes. You will learn how to work within the parameters of the BPM life cycle methodology in ways that maximize the functionality of WebSphere Lombardi Edition and project development best practices, such as meeting the target playback goal.

The course continues with implementation of the process model. You will learn about the architecture of WebSphere Lombardi Edition, which provides contextual information for the rest of the course. You will then learn how variables in Lombardi are scoped and used to exchange information between services and business processes. After learning about variables, you will examine process flows to learn about routing and gateways, and then build user interfaces (Coaches) and use the integration capabilities that Lombardi provides. The focus of this course is on reuse, ease of maintenance, and utilizing best practices.

After completing the integration exercises, you will implement message events. Finally, you will learn about best practices regarding snapshots, toolkits, and organizing process assets.

This course uses an interactive learning environment, with hands-on demonstrations, class activities to reinforce concepts and check understanding, and labs embedded in each of the course units that enable hands-on experience with BPM tasks and skills. The course is designed to be collaborative, and you can work in teams to perform class activities.

Note: You should have a high-fidelity stereo PC headset with a noise-cancelling microphone.

For information on other related WebSphere courses, visit the WebSphere Education Training Paths website:

IBM WebSphere Lombardi Edition V7.1 Process Modeling and Implementation (ILO)

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47 200 Kč

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