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Architecting Splunk Enterprise Deployments

Základní info

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This 9-hour course focuses on large enterprise deployments. Students will learn steps and best practices for planning, data collection and sizing for a distributed deployment.

To be successful, students should have a solid understanding of the following courses:

  • What is Splunk?
  • Intro to Splunk
  • Using Fields
  • Introduction to Knowledge Objects
  • Creating Knowledge Objects
  • Creating Field Extractions

Or the following legacy courses:

  • Splunk Fundamentals 1 & 2

Students should also understand the following advanced coursework:

  • Splunk Enterprise System Administration
  • Splunk Enterprise Data Administration

Více o kurzu

Architecting Splunk Enterprise Deployments

Vybraný termín:

30.5.2024 –  1.6.2024  ONLINE

40 960 Kč + 21% DPH

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